Stipes Publishing is a family owned and managed company.

We have published the finest educational materials for over 80 years.



The Hydrangea Book: The Authoritative Guide

Michael A. Dirr

The Hydrangea Book: The Authoritative Guide is the definitive book/garden...

The Hydrangea Book: The Authoritative Guide

Michael A. Dirr

The Hydrangea Book: The Authoritative Guide is the definitive book/garden...

Retail Florist Manual

Kim Colavito Markesich

Revised and expanded, this exciting handbook is the product of years of development by an...

Herbaceous Perennial Plants: A Treatise on their Identification Culture, and Garden Attributes (paperback - 4th edition)

Allan M. Armitage

When the first volume of HPP was released thiry-one years ago, it quickly became a leading...

Vegetable Gardening Laboratories

by John Masiunas of the University of Illinois

This unique manual was developed specifically for a course on home vegetable gardening but is...

Professional Landscape Management

David L. Hensley

Professional Landscape Management was first published in 1994 and soon became the leading...

Manual Of Woody Landscape Plants - Paperback

Michael Dirr

The sixth edition of what the Chronicle of Higher Education called “A Horticulture Bible” by...

Manual Of Woody Landscape Plants - Hardback

Michael Dirr

The sixth edition of what the Chronicle of Higher Education called “A Horticulture Bible” by...

Fruit and Nut Production

Brenda Olcott-Reid and William Reid

This book is designed for students, growers, researchers and extension workers who deal with...

The Perennial Reference Guide

Nicole Lloyd and Karleen Shafer

This Reference Guide is an all inclusive source for designing with perennials.  The...

Specification Writing for Garden Design

This specification 'workshop' explains a method of producing instructions for garden design work...

Garden Design in Denmark: G.N. Brandt and the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century


This book examines the traditions of garden art in Denmark in the early 1900's and traces...

Introduction to Horticulture

by Robert M. Skirvin

This collection of notes, handouts, and illustrations was developed by Professor Skirvin over...

Retail Florist Manual

Kim Colavito Markesich

   This exciting handbook is the product of years of development by an experienced florist and...

Planting Design: A New Naturalism

Catherine Heatherington and Juliet Sargeant

Naturalistic planting styles have taken the garden world by storm. Ecological issues and a...

Planting Design: A Manual of Theory and Practice

William R. Nelson

Planting Design has been acclaimed throughout the academic and professional world as an...

Landscaping Your Home

William R. Nelson

Over 40 years ago the University of Illinois published this book in its first edition.  It has...

Landscape Construction: Procedures, Techniques, and Design

Floyd Giles

This book was written to improve the home landscape. It is not a collection of plans, but a book...

Landscaping Herbs

Barbara L. Collins and Floyd Giles

The great interest in herbs created a need for a book that is oriented towards helping people to...

Prairie Plants of the Midwest: Identification and Ecology

Russell R. Kirt

This book is a tremendous resource for the identification of tallgrass prairie plants native to...

Key to Common Woody Landscape Plants in the Midwest

Benton Stidd and Robert Henry

This unique book allows the student to identify unknown woody plants when encountered in the...

Layout Techniques for Landscape Architecture

Gary Austin

The first text devoted entirely to the layout of landscape architecture! Ideal for landscape...


Steven M. Still

This book is used across the United States and Canada as the working manual for universities,...

Shade Trees for the Central and Northern United States and Canada

Sharon Yiesla and Floyd Giles

Over 200 beautiful line drawings and more than 80 color illustrations highlight this wonderful...

Photographic Manual of Woody Landscape Plants: Form and Function in the Landscape- PAPERBACK

Michael A. Dirr

This book includes over 1,200 photographs of habit and selected ornamental characteristics. It...


Michael A. Dirr

This book includes over 1,200 photographs of habit and selected ornamental characteristics. It...