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Organization Behavior & Development

Global and International Organization Development

edited by Peter F. Sorensen Jr., Thomas C. Head, Therese F. Yaeger, and David Cooperrider

This supplemental reader facilitates the process of acquiring an introduction and overview of...

Organization Behavior and Change: Managing Human Resources for Organizational Effectiveness

edited by Thomas C. Head, Peter F. Sorensen, Jr., Bernard H. Baum, Therese F. Yaeger, and David L. Cooperrider

For over 25 years, this regularly revised collection of readings has helped students facilitate...

Appreciative Inquiry: Foundations in Positive Organization Development

edited by David L. Cooperrider, Peter F. Sorensen Jr., Therese F. Yaeger, and Diana Whitney

This book is an extension and further development of ideas and applications presented in the...

Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change

edited by David L. Cooperrider, Peter F. Sorensen Jr., Diana Whitney, and Therese F. Yaeger

This book is intended as a source book for students, as a way of introducing them to and...

Appreciative Inquiry: An Emerging Direction for Organization Development

Diana Whitney and Therese F. Yaeger

This book updates the best-selling Appreciative Inquiry:  Rethinking Human Organization...